Your massage time is truly your time, and your Modali massage is never rushed. Unlike common massage parlors, a 60-minute massage is a full 60-minute, hands-on massage with added time to connect beforehand and debrief after.
To receive the full benefits of massage therapy, an open line of communication and your absolute comfort are key. It’s as simple as saying you’re too cold and need another blanket. It’s your session and I am here for you.
At the beginning of each session, I want to know how you’re feeling and what might be impacting your body discomfort. Then, at the end of your massage, I’ll share with you what I felt in your body, the progress we’ve made, and provide recommendations for continued treatment, which could include guided instruction for stretching or other self-care techniques.
Your first Modali experience is an exploratory therapeutic massage. During your first session, I want to feel the story of your body — to learn and understand your tension areas, make connections to the discomfort you’re experiencing with the source of that discomfort, and get to know you to help you relax deeply so that your muscles release and respond.
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